I love to shop and delight in finding things that are perfect for my family and friends, especially if my finds are at a bargain price. I also make sure that anything that I have and no longer use or need gets to wherever it's needed.
However, there are times when I feel that I am the one who listens and tries to make sure that others are provided for. In the next moment, I am berating myself for this ungenerous and egocentric thought. It is clear that, through whatever grace, I am fully provided for with a roof over my head, more than enough food, with people who love me and with whatever worldly comforts I crave.
After a call this morning, it became clear how blessed I am with the people in my life. A friend with whom I have not talked in a while called to let me know that his mother is gravely ill and has been in the hospital for the last month, now facing chemotherapy. We had a long encouraging conversation about what is going on in both our lives and then finally hung up when both our lives intervened with what has to be done now.
I was so grateful that, in his moment of need, he reached out to me, knowing, I hope, that a conversation with me would cheer and strengthen him. It felt like such a gift of trust that I was moved with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude.
In the same spirit, a neighbor on public assistance, not by her choice, who is struggling to care for two children, knocked firmly on my door yesterday. When I opened it, she presented me with a miniature shopping bag. In it was a Christmas-red scarf for which I had been searching and which she found in her latest outing. It was exactly what I wanted to brighten up what I have been feeling is a drab and spiritless season. Again, I was so moved by her gesture, especially since her financial situation does not allow for any luxuries. As the recipient of such generosity, how can I ever again have a selfish thought?