Monday, February 13, 2012

Listen to your best voice.

How do I know this is good advice?  Because today, when it came to reasonable eating, I did not listen.  My best voice was loud and clear before I ignored it, while I was ignoring it, and after I had ignored it.  Moments later, my insides gave me a clear signal that they'd had enough.  In the middle of my pain, these five simple words popped into my head.  They are so right.  Since then, I've been saying them over and over to myself in the hope that I remember them and actually follow them in the future.  

It seems so obvious in hindsight and supposedly a lesson I had already learned.  When I indulge in the middle of the day, I do not need to eat again for the rest of the day, period.  No matter how I try to convince myself that I'll only have something "light," it doesn't happen.  A hearty and presumably enjoyable meal in the late afternoon lasts a long time in your insides.  It does not need any added bulk.  Unfortunately, as is often the case when it comes to food, my brain goes on hold, my mouth goes on autopilot, and something "light" turns into too much. Then I am hurting.  

Enough already!  I don't know how to make sure that, first, I remember this advice going forward and, second, that I listen.  I'll put up a large-print sign, visible at eye level from all angles and hope that it finally imprints permanently on my brain.  If you have any suggestions that have worked for you, please let me know.   

So, today:

        Have faith and listen to your best voice.  It is speaking to you out of love.
