Friday, February 14, 2014

Millicent Tomkins: Black and White Plus

While her art embraces so many more styles, these charming black line drawings of music room scenes, accented with one splash of color, are part of a series she apparently did in 1980 and the first of her works I found many years ago printed on art cards. Without realizing it, my sister later presented me with two framed prints of the very same cards.

Millicent Tomkins, multi-talented and multi-faceted, shows off her drawing skill and, as a trained pianist and singer, her love and clearly close ties with the music world.
"Musical Still Life Chaise a lyre"
"Musical Still Life Young Cellist a Bouquet"
Musical Still Life, Vermeer's
"View of Delft", Early Clarinet,
Mozart's Concerto

Musical Still Life, Veronese Muse with Spider Web

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