Monday, November 7, 2011

Keeping promises

What do you mean?  I keep my promises.  To others, yes.  What about to yourself?

Every morning, faced with the consequences of what I did or did not do yesterday, I go over what needs to be arranged for the coming day which will get my weight and my body to its best shape.  These are promises that you and I, who are trying to change the way we eat, make to ourselves each day.  Why, then, are we still carrying around extra pounds?  Because daily, time after time, we've broken the promises we've made to ourselves.  

This betrayal of ourselves erodes our spirit.  As faithful as I am to my word to others, I opt out time after time after time to myself.  It is a burden that I carry physically and spiritually.  It is a darkness and a dissatisfaction with myself that spills over into the rest of my life:  into relationships I hope will develop, into adventures in which I could participate, in so many small ways every day that narrow and limit my experiences.  What is left is sitting in front of the tv, eating, and struggling to find the energy and the strength to get the minimum done each day.  Is this a rich fulfilling life?  NO!


Today's rallying cry is:


Don't let the day or the promise go by one more time.

Those broken promises build up little by little into thick layers that hold us down.
Begin building the layers that will take you to the best places you can imagine.

Yeah! for the best we can be for ourselves.  Salud!

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