Sunday, November 20, 2011

Repeat after me!

Another morning when my weight has not gone down and another day of trying to figure it all out, how to get through eating right and less and taking time to exercise (Ugh, that dreaded word again). 

One more time, and for sure not the last, THE ESSENTIALS:

A good night's sleep refreshes and fortifies you for the day.
So, get it!

Exercise energizes and strengthens you, burns calories and fights off fatigue and disease.
So, do it!

Good food in reasonable quantities nourishes and supports you.
So, eat it!

The benefits, feeling well, being healthy, moving easily, are so obvious and so worth it.
So, get to it!

What's holding you back?

Think about it and then do what you know will make you happiest with yourself in the long run.


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