Saturday, November 12, 2011

The long and the short of it

Ideally, I want to go to bed every night, knowing that I did right by my body for the day, and wake up every morning, experiencing the results of my efforts.

In reality, so far, I kind of manage to get through the day, constantly battling the temptations of the food I love, trying to ensure that I do not eat too late into the night, and hoping that I did actually cut back on the amount I've eaten.

In the morning, I try to gauge if I can get out of bed any more easily than I did yesterday morning and hope, hope, that the number on the scale has gone down.  There is, clearly, an element of desperation in living this way that is very wearing.

That is the paradox of time.  As fast as we all find that life is going by, for me, the day is too long to keep that focus going on watching what I eat from the beginning to the very end, sometimes at 2:00 in the morning.  The things that need to be done during the day surround and overwhelm me and, in my mindless exhaustion, the breaks that I take for relief mostly involve food.

Seeing my efforts through the day, staying aware of what I am trying to accomplish, and dealing with my unrelenting urge to eat are my daily struggles.   
Writing is my salvation.  Putting encouraging thoughts and insights to paper, literally, helps keep me aware.  My home is plastered with scotch-taped signs, written in bold marker colors on colorful paper, shouting today's rallying cry and observations.  You can't be shy about this kind of campaign.  The notes are very revealing and make for interesting reading for your guests who drop in without advance warning.  

So, today, awareness is the key.
Be kind to yourself.
Take a moment to remember
what you are doing
for the good
of your body and your spirit.

It is so worth the effort.  Salud!


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